Inclement Weather - Bus Cancellations, Snow Days and Possible School Closures

With Winter Weather here, there will undoubtedly be times when parents and guardians may wonder if a bus is running or if schools are open.
The most current busing information can always be found by clicking on the little Bus Icon click here on the top left side of the Crowsnest Consolidated High School Website (you can sort bus information by school or by area.
If schools are closed, LRSD and Crowsnest Consolidated High School will notify families as soon as possible (Websites, Social Media and Automated Text/Email). Generally speaking, the school website is the most reliable place to find information regarding school operations.
Click here to view the Road to a Snow Day Infographic from Livingstone Range School Division
Parents always have the right to make the final decision about whether or not to send their student to school - if you decide not to send your student to school, please call the front office 403-563-5651 or email