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Academic & Athletic Society

President: Ken Hamilton - kenham69@shaw.ca

Vice President: Brielle Batty-Smith

Treasurer: Elizabeth Anderson

Secretary: Annemarie Neudorf

Fundraising Chairperson: Kelli Dewald & Tara Lynn Fletcher 

Volunteer Coordinator: Barb Pollice

Casino Chairperson - Stephanie Olsen


Do you have a child in the Crowsnest Consolidated High School?  Did you ever want to know where the money raised for the school is going and how it is helping our kids?

The Crowsnest Consolidated Academic & Athletic Society is a non-profit society comprised of parents who oversee fundraising to help promote academic and athletic programs within the high school. Since the society established in 1994, they have raised thousands of dollars in funds.

The Society is always looking for new parents with fresh ideas to join our team. We all know it is hard to take time out of our busy schedules to commit to more than we already have on our plate, but we only meet 4 times a year and the Crowsnest Consolidated Academic & Athletic Society is vital in supporting our kids’ extra activities and equipment.

So please join us at our next meeting on Monday, September 12th at 6:30pm in the learning commons at CCHS or contact Ken Hamilton (president) at crowconacademicathletic@gmail.com for further details.


Fire drills are held through-out the year, the first three are posted and students know when they will be held. 

Fire drills are held for the safety and well being of both students and staff.  Under the direction of a  school staff member, students walk quickly to the nearest exit and wait outside in a specific location, while waiting for permission to return to the building.  If an off site location is needed we proceed to the Crownest Pass Sportsplex.

False fire alarms are a CRIMINAL OFFENCE and will be handled accordingly.


Lockdown drills are held through-out the year, the first three are posted and students know when they will be held and practice the process for the drill.  External or internal threats may require the school to perform lockdown procedures.  Students are made aware of the lockdown procedure at the beginning of each year and we then practice the procedure for the safety and well being of both staff and students.

School Council

All parents are invited and encouraged to attend CCHS School Council Meetings. These meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the school library at 5:00 pm

Meeting Dates for 2019/2020: 

  • TBD


Resources for Parents During COVID-19 School Closure

As parents, students, and families adjust to new conditions and learning environments because of COVID-19, we want everyone to stay well physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

Our professionals have curated resources to help families: tools to help structure your days at home, fun activities to do online, ideas for staying physically active, positive mental health strategies and hotline phone numbers, emergency & financial support contacts, and supports for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit families. 

Explore Resources for Parents During COVID-19 School Closure and share it with your family and neighbours. We're all in this together. And LRSD is here for you.

High School Requirements

Find out what's necessary for finishing high school here